Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet Zachary Wayne Farro

i love  the way you beat it.i love the way you smile.i love the way you talk.i love eveything about doubt.he is realllly awesome.the best drummer ever.tak kisah la dia da keluar paramore pun.i'll always love his beats.and now, hes join novel american with josh.i dont know yet what kind of music that they played, but according to zac, they are more into Jimmy Eat World.well, just wait for it.btw, paramore will always be the coolest band ever.okay, back to zac, im soooo into him right now.orang cakap dia gemuk buuuttt, i kinda like it though.don't ask why.for me, he is sooooo cool.just try to watch him, and you will like better.because i cannot resist myself by not watching him even for a day.and my last words for this random post is, I WANT HIM.duh.

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