Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Can I Have Her Hair Please.

i've made my mind~~~~~~i want hayley's haircut.yeah.im stoked to her.im stoked to paramore.so what? naah.im gonna got my haircut tomorrow.wohooo.soo, excited!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You Allah

Alhamdulillah.the only word that i want to say here.my result is not good as others but i reallaayy love it.i have a great teachers who tought me a lot, i have a great family who gave me a lot of courage, i have a bunch of kids that turn my world upside down.annnd make my life pretty AWESOME! what else did i need.jealous of me? you better.taaa.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Maaf Fareena

kenapa mesti kena ada perkataan maaf kalau kita tau kita akan buat balik.kenapa mesti ada perkataan lupakan kalau kita tak boleh nak lupakan.kenapa mesti kena sakit hati walaupun da maafkan dan cuba lupakan.kenapa mesti nak kena tengok kalau tau akan sakitkan hati.kenapa nak dengar kalau tau akan sedih.kenapa nak tipu diri yang cakap kita okay kalau sebenarnya tak okay.kenapa mesti kena cuba gelak kalau sebenarnya tengah nangis.kenapa kena jaga hati orang, kalau orang tak pernah nak fikir hati kita macam mana.kenapa nak kena ambik kisah apa dia buat kalau dia sikit pun tak fikir pasal kita.

tipu la kalau takda orang yang pernah terfikir semua ni.dan sekarang aku rasa sangat bodoh.tapi kenapa muka-muka yang aku tak nak fikir dan ambik kisah.orang tu la yang aku follow up hari-hari.kenapa mesti nak kena tengok kalau tau end up nangis sorang-sorang depan lappy. korang tanya diri sendiri,"ada diorang kisah kau tengah nangis".No.diorang still macam tu.hidup ni macam roda.ingat je benda tu.aku bukan nak mintak simpati orang.

ayat-ayat dekat atas ni semua hari-hari aku ulang dekat diri sendiri.tapi aku still maafkan.aku still cuba lupakan,aku still tipu diri sendiri, aku still sakitkan hati sendiri, aku still act macam aku okay, aku still cuba gelak, aku still jaga ayat aku, aku still ambik kisah., dan aku still nangis.kenapa aku buat macam ni dekat diri aku?simple.sebab aku sayang.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Epic Movie

We still live in the same town, well, don't we?
But I don't see you around anymore
I go to all the same places, not even a trace of you
Your days are numbered at 24

And I'm getting bored waiting 'round for you
We're not getting any younger
And I won't look back 'cause there's no use
It's time to move forward

I feel no sympathy, you lived inside a cave
You barely get by the rest of us
You're trying, there's no need to apologize
I've got no time for feeling sorry

I tried not to think of what might happen
When your reality it finally cuts through
Well, as for me, I got out and I'm on the road
The worst part is that this, this could be you

You know it too, you can't run from your shame
You're not getting any younger
Time keeps passing by but you waited awake
It's time to roll over

I feel no sympathy, you lived inside a cave
You barely get by the rest of us
You're trying, there's no need to apologize
I've got no time for feeling sorry

And all the best lies
They are told with fingers tied
So cross them tight, won't you promise me tonight?
If it's the last thing you do, you'll get out

I feel no sympathy, you lived inside a cave
You barely get by the rest of us
You're trying, there's no need to apologize
I've got no time, got no time

I feel no sympathy, you lived inside a cave
You barely get by the rest of us
You're trying, there's no need to apologize
Got no time

I've got no time for feeling sorry
I've got no time for feeling sorry

quite an old song, but a new addiction for me.love the lyrics, love the music, love the enegy in this song.it's totally AWESOME!actually this is another random post yang tengah merry go round dalam kepala.apa apa apa.owh, first of all diorang cakap result nak keluar 23 march 2011.nampak dindang tulis kat fb and masuk la tol semua.dari situ la aku tau.tol cakap aku konon workaholic.tapi nak buat macamana kan.thats the fact.

apa lagi apa lagi.haaaa, aku baru discover something."sometimes a small lies can be a big help".i heard it somewhere.annddd for a certain reason i realllaayy agreed with that.selama ni aku hidup dengan pendirian aku yang 'by telling me the truth, i'll always love you'.and now, no more.pergi pergi pendirian bodoh ni.lepas ni sesiapa yang rasa dia macam perlu tipu aku.please do so.it's hurt being hurt.i hate "the truth".

theeeeen, owh, pleaseee kepada sesiapa yang rasa perangai korang tu macam tahi.please do something about that.kalau rasa muka tu da buruk, tolong laaa jangan kasi perangai tu buruk sekali.double triple aku menyampah.aku bukan nak cakap perangai aku baik sangat and muka aku lawa sangat.tapi pandai-pandai la jaga perangai kan.

nexxxt, orang-orang yang best layan sekarang, paramore(semua lagu best), lady gaga(bad romance), pink(banyak), auburn(perfect two), scorpions(still loving you), red hot chili peppers(dani california), air supply(banyak), the eagles(hotel california), offspring(walla walla), audioslave(like a stone).banyak sangat la pulak.nah, semua orang lama.well, takda yang lama, celah mana nak datang yang baru kan.lagu diorang layan jugak laa.

idea idea idea.duh.kalau rasa nak benci orang tuuu.hmmph.okay, i got no advice for this slot.sebab agak ramai jugak yang tengah dibenci sekarang.for those yang rasa nak benci aku.go ahead.i dont mind.sebab aku pun ramai benci orang.sooo, i deserve that.plus, its your choice to hate someone.just an opinion.

da laaa.da cukup mengarut da nii.annnnd,so far, ni la post aku yang paling panjang.see ya.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Meet Zachary Wayne Farro

i love  the way you beat it.i love the way you smile.i love the way you talk.i love eveything about you.no doubt.he is realllly awesome.the best drummer ever.tak kisah la dia da keluar paramore pun.i'll always love his beats.and now, hes join novel american with josh.i dont know yet what kind of music that they played, but according to zac, they are more into Jimmy Eat World.well, just wait for it.btw, paramore will always be the coolest band ever.okay, back to zac, im soooo into him right now.orang cakap dia gemuk buuuttt, i kinda like it though.don't ask why.for me, he is sooooo cool.just try to watch him, and you will like him.you better.because i cannot resist myself by not watching him even for a day.and my last words for this random post is, I WANT HIM.duh.

Monday, March 7, 2011

You Win

congartulations.i've had enough.i dont want to curse anyone.i dont want to hate anyone.i dont want to get angry at anyone.i dont want to pick my phone and dial up your number, and cry again.i dont want to do any of this because im just getting too frustrated.you win.you can have anything that you want.im done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Day With Them

the last saturday lepas subuh da gerak pergi cameron highland.bukan nak kata apa laa.tapi first time aku mabuk kereta la weii.kurang ajar punya jalan.tak boleh nak ular lagi ke.da nak termuntah da dalam kereta tu.apalagiii, the only solution.tidur.terbaeek.then papa stop kat ladang teh.pun bolee.tengah pening ni jalan pergi ladang teh pulak.tapiii, tetap ambik gambar la kan.da puas snap sana sini.sambung naik atas.adoii, sambung pening.tidur balik.da sampai.terus beli sana sini.ambik gambar setiap tapak.terbaeek.apalagi nak cerita.everything was awesome.owh, and i dont like my post to be berkajang-kajang.soo, lets keep it simple as possible.just enjoy the pics.malas nak upload banyak sebab da upload dekat facebook.

we the awesome

the coolest pa ever